Family Law

The Law Office of Roger Johnson provides legal representation in family litigation including the following types of cases:

Divorce and Separation; Child Custody; Visitation; Child Support; Alimony and Spousal Support; and Equitable Distribution of Marital Property

Cases that are filed within the Family Court include divorce, child custody and visitation, child support, name changes, abuse and neglect and juvenile matters. Our goal is to help each client solve their immediate family law problems, while keeping in mind the long-range interests of the client and their children. We establish a close working relationship with everyone we work for, so that our strategies match up with the client’s situations and objectives. We strive to answer questions presented by our clients regarding Family law with practical guidance aimed at solving their legal problems.

We care enough about our clients to be honest with them and to tell them what they need to hear rather than what they might want to hear. We take the time to help you understand the law, how the Family Court system works, and your full range of alternatives for solving the issues at-hand, including divorce, custody, visitation, child support, separate support and maintenance, division of property and debts, The emotional nature of Family Law can quickly escalate into thousands of dollars spent unnecessarily. Going to court is not only expensive in terms of monetary cost, it also takes a high emotional toll on families. We want an expedient and cost effective resolution of your issues so that you can move forward.

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Available 24/7 (843) 488-9933