Criminal Defense

If you have been arrested for any criminal offense, the Law Office of Roger D. Johnson can help you protect your rights and freedom. Being charged with a crime is a frightening experience. If you are facing felony or misdemeanor charges, we will help you understand the charges against you, the penalties you are facing, the defenses available to you, and work to negotiate a dismissal of the charges, a reduction in charges, or, if necessary, take the case to trial. We understand that any criminal charge against you may have a serious impact upon your life. When in the midst of this trying, emotional time, having an attorney there to help guide you is an undeniable benefit to you, both legally and emotionally. Timely intervention, negotiation and preparation is your best option and that is what the Law Office of Roger D. Johnson will offer to you.

We offer representation for Felony and Misdemeanor arrests, including Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Criminal Domestic Violence (CDV), Drug Charges, Possession of Marijuana, Weapons charges, Property crimes, Assault and Battery, and Juvenile crimes, including Minor in possession and other Under 21 years of age offenses.

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Available 24/7 (843) 488-9933